Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Many are afraid to speak out.

Did you realize members actually believe that if they speak out about cupe in relation to some wrong doing that has occurred at the hands of cupe, that they will lose their jobs. Can you imagine the control this organ.has over them. These are intelligent average workers who believe this utter nonsense because idiots in exec. and at the rep. levels have lead them to believe this is so. One can not convince them otherwise because they think, if you have a union job and you are a union member, then if you go against the union you are tossed out like a piece of garbage; and guess what, the union kings and queens enjoy this because they have total control over you and they can do whatever they want. People may not admit this; but, there are more out there than you would expect. The one thing they are right about is the union must represent you by law; but to what degree they represent you is another thing. The moral of the story is speak out but find another way to identify your problem because they will get you and that I guarantee. You will not lose your job but you will be on their hit list.

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