Tuesday, June 10, 2008

CUPE never makes mistakes

I have been around for many years and only once have I heard a national representative apologize for making a mistake; and actually he was apologizing for another representative’s hostile and ridiculous behaviour. People make mistakes, so own up to them and apologize and try to earn some respect. This is not the cupe way: they would rather try to hide the mistake or make up some excuse or bare face lie about ever stating what was stated or performing what ever act they performed. Do we pay to train these people to act like this or does it come natural to them ? Whatever the answer is does not really matter because a complete overhaul of the system is required and a whole new form of accountability and conduct must be created, if this organization is going to survive. I hope and I truly believe the next generation is not going to put up with the foolishness that is tossed our way by national today. I think they are going to persuade governments to change legislation to put the members in the position to give national unions ultimatums. Basically, shape up or ship out. I hope I am still around when that day arrives. Watchdog annie.


Anonymous said...

It's worse than this. They RAILROAD THEIR OWN MEMBERS. I know, I've been a victim of this for the past EIGHT YEARS, and my 'day in court, 'fair & unbiased ARBITRATION' has dragged on for NINE MONTHS, 17 days, 13+ witnesses, 80+ Exhibits, and now CUPE tells me the Aribtrator can take up to ONE YEAR to render his decision. CUPE has tampered with existing evidence, & refused to show as Exhibits evidence that I've gathered for 8 years & have provided to them; have refused to call the most effective witnesses; & gladly co-operate with the Employer's excessive delays (& they tell me they have NO 'ranking system' for an Aribtrator to hear the most damaging Grievances/Cases first; ie. those where an employer was wrongfully terminate, has waited since Dec 2011 over those Grieving the loss of 1 week, while still employed, or even grieving not receiving a new pair of work boots)! CUPE PRETENDS THEY DON'T SEE WHAT MGMT IS DOING, AS THEY INTENTIONALLY LEAD YOU TO SLAUGHTER, INTO HEARINGS YOU CAN'T WIN, because they HELP THE EMPLOYER CRUCIFY YOU! Eight years ago, the employer CITY OF WINNIPEG begn downsize/closing 20+ front-line Departments, dessimating the CLERICAL POOL as they established a 311 Contact Centre model (glorified call centre, all new staff, lesser pay, longer hours). I immediately began to be held up for the most minor 'interpersonal issues'....because they themselves have repeatedly stated I do exemplary work, they/Mgmt have repeatedly said., so if they can't set you up/attack your performance they start a 'smear campaign' & make sure you're ostracized by co-workers afraid to lose their jobs if they support you. Eventually, the Employer can convince the Arbitrator that they've suffered 'Undue Hardship'& they have no choice but to terminate you after 'years of trying to correct the (exaggerated/lies!) behaviours'. That's how they get you in the end.. by CUPE making DEALS WITH THE DEVIL and HELPING the Employer UNJUSTLY PSYCHOLOGICALLY ABUSE staff until they either quit or KILL THEMSELVES. Yes, there's been numerous suicides in the ranks of Employees of the City of Winnipeg; staff embroiled in the same torture, year after year after year, as I've been subjected to, & some have gone home & ended their lives immediately after being escorted out of the building for alleged wrongdoing (or for finally showing any kind of anger about being harassed & falsely accused for years). Some have even killed themselves AT WORK, in a final cry for justice (which never makes it into mainstream media). CUPE Nat'l Rep even conceded TO ME that they're well-aware of the suicide rate at the City of Wpg, yet they continue to LIE to their own members to HELP THE EMPLOYER DOWNSIZE! Why? ...to KEEP UP THE ILLUSION OF JOB SECURITY, FOR ALL, WITHOUT PREJUDICE, when that is NOT what exists. It's all a huge LIE! They're ACOMPLICES TO MURDER. THESE PEOPLE ARE EVIL! So, BROTHERS & SISTERS OF CUPE, be aware, be informed. And IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KONW HAS ALSO BEEN VICTIMIZED IN A SIMILAR MANNER, BY CUPE LOCAL 500 & THE CITY OF WINNIPEG, PLSE CONSIDER JOINING MY SUPPORT GROUP, IN SOLIDARITY FOR OUR OWN WELL-BEING, AS VICTIMS OF THIS CORRUPTION. Plse reach me at deebouch@hotmail.com. I WIL SHOW YOU THE PROOF. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! COME FEEL UNDERSTOOD & SUPPORTED. Thank you, & God's speed to you if you're presently a Victim.

Anonymous said...

Check out www.nobullyforme.com or just google 'CUPE Corruption', etc. & you'll see you're not alone, nor the first, nor the last, to be lied to by CUPE and psychologically abused by your employer.