Tuesday, June 3, 2008

CUPE and Strike pay

What do you think about our strike pay program with national? It does not kick into gear until the tenth day; so this becomes a tool to persuade members who can not afford to be on strike without any form of pay for two weeks to vote against a strike, even though they are going to get shafted by the employer. The only benefit to this program is to national and the employer ; but not to the members. It becomes a cost saving measure for cupe because they do not have to dole out any money to the helpless strikers nor do they have to do any extra work that is involved when a group goes on strike : if the workers vote against a strike. This is also a great advantage the employer uses to lessen the offer to the workers because they know what will break a deal or cruise it over the line; and the fact the workers will be out of income for two weeks, reduces the offer in the pot. The strike pay for strikers needs to go back to day one to restore any possibility of any additional increase today’s workers are going to be offered from the employer in the final days of negotiations. Watchdog annie.

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