Monday, June 9, 2008

CUPE and Mental Illness

As time goes on, it becomes more apparent that there is and can be very unhealthy individuals holding executive positions on many locals and at the national level. What I mean by this is, there are many people today who have various degrees of mental illness, addictions, and physical illnesses such as diabetes that affect their mental states and in turn can affect the way they proceed in their decision making in relation to how they think members should be represented or not represented or how the composition of an organization like cupe is to look like and conduct itself. This may sound off the beaten track but it is not; believe it or not, people with mental illnesses are involved with cupe at the higher levels and their ability to remember and apply common sense is somewhat tainted when the sugars are up or they neglect to take their medication and properly look after themselves. Please do not get me wrong, I am not stating people with difficulties should not be involved with managing the organization; but what I am stating is, if you have problems, these problems should be identified to the rest of the executive members and monitored so these people are not making decisions that are jeopardizing the welfare of the membership when they are not in the right frame of mind. One person who is having difficulty with stability can ruin many lives without anyone knowing or suspecting; and when it finally comes to light, the damage is done and irreversible. Take a look at your top hogs and try to figure out if they are doing what is right for the majority and for the right reasons and making common sense to you. Watchdog annie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of the cupe execs for our local are mentally ill!! Bar none!
Passive aggression is their modality for the most part. They are harrasser's by nature and even the senior management is intimidated by their callousness!