Sunday, May 18, 2008

CUPE and municipal Politics

Cupe has jumped on the band wagon of politics to a greater degree lately encouraging members to get involved to the extent of running for office in their municipalities or getting nominated and elected to various boards, etc. I think this is probably a good thing as long as the people they are supporting are decent and are not necessarily influenced by some of the Cupe ways. What I mean by this is, supporting labour and attempting to make sure there is fair treatment and adequate pay adjustments and keeping essential services public is a good thing; but raising taxes to the extent the common folk and the elderly are starving is another. I guess what I am saying is if members money is going to be used for this purpose in any degree or amount ; then, the members should be okay with it and an established amount be put in place by the members to maintain contribution equality and there be some criteria established to choose someone of interest that is well rounded in the sense of decision making and experience. This being the case, it would not cost the members very much annually because these kind of people generally stay out of politics. Watchdog annie

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