Thursday, April 10, 2008

CUPE and greed

Did you ever wonder why they organize groups of five people or twenty part time workers? This is because of pure old fashion greed : how can you benefit five people who have a bank account with twenty six dollars in it and would like to take the employer on. The employer laughs when they threaten to go to adjudication because the union has to apply for special funding to proceed. I will admit these members end up with a contract and they probably receive some form of senority and possibly a percentage is given towards some form of benefits ; but most organizations who only have a small number of employees are working on such a tight budget, someone is going to lose their job if a major wage package is to go forward at the table. Who loses out? It is the employees: not cupe , because they still collect the dues and the dues goes up every time there is a pay increase so if they lose a member they make it up on the increase. The other component that cupe is notorious for is the number component. If you organize 1000 ( twenty member groupings or unions) at $25. per member per month ;then cupe has an additional one half a million dollars coming in a month to play with. Cupe has number crunchers or stats experts just like the government and these characters advise the top hogs on how to get the easy money. Watchdog annie.

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