Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Everyone continues to wonder why the R.C.M.P.has not went after this organization because of the various inappropriate extremely inaccessive amounts of money that has presumably been used for various purposes with no accountability whatsoever. Cupe national only has three trustees and they hire out to an accounting firm to balance the books. Well, all that happens here is two plus two has to equal four; but when we are talking about two million plus two million equals four million it balances; but if the actual cost to purchase the service or item or construct the building should have been one quarter of a million, then we have a major problem. Their system works for them but it does not work for us ;and until someone in the know how actually blows the whistle, we are being ripped off big time. Cupe supports whistle blowers as long as they are not blowing the whistle on them. Word on the street is the R.C.M.P. has files on all the cupe national regional directors, the division presidents, and the national president and secretary treasurer; but what does it take to have them drop the hammer and investigate this bunch. If they think they are going to get clear concise evidence on this bunch they are barking up the wrong tree; but if they steer their attention to the computer system purchase scandal, or maybe interview a few of the past top executives in Ottawa who have been let go in recent years, they will get all they need to bring them down. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Monday, April 28, 2008
CUPE and YOUR Pension
The big treat of the week this week is cupe would like to have trusteeship over our pension and benefit plans. Well , I am hear to tell you, do not go along with this chess game because you will lose and I mean lose big time. If your employer is the stakeholder in your pension and benefit package and they are solely responsible for it and if the plan goes down the tubes or takes a swing downward let the employer maintain the risk and insure the future of your benefits through the employer’s payroll versus the employees’ pocket books. Cupe has made deals in the last few years that have caused extreme heartache to members who have worked for many years with the same employer and are expecting an adequate pension when they retire and an appropriate benefit package as they journey through life. This can come to an abrupt halt when a union decides it is best for their members if the union looks after their benefit package. If you have members who sit on boards that keep you abreast of what is going on and have a little input into improvements to various plans, that is one thing ; but , never let anyone talk you into voting for cupe or any other union to take over your pension or any benefit plan. Leave the risk up to the employer; and rest assured, they will not gamble their money away because cupe will hide behind local union automomy when it comes to risk and you will be left out in the cold. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Friday, April 25, 2008
Another waste of CUPE money ?
What do you think about these cupe national provincial divisions? What purpose do they actually provide? Honestly, all these divisions separate the national union from the members. This is another blocker and another avenue for cupe to get a little more of your monthly dues and another sector that protects the national interest from getting it’s hands dirty. Locals do not have to belong yet; but there is a large selling job when a new local is formed and becomes part of cupe national. If a group of provincial locals or one large local would like to open it’s own division, it is not permitted under the cupe national constitution. What happened to democracy. Cupe has no problem with unions under their umbrella having associations that discipline and dictate their own code of conduct. Every aspect of the cupe divisions are replicas of the national union structure and agenda. The only possible benefit would be to a very small local who belongs to a divisional group who still has a strike fund to help with the first 9 days;but, if it is that small then the other large locals would probably contribute enough to look after any expenses that would be incurred. If members would do the calculation: for instance, if a union local had 1000 members and they put away 1.00 per member per month away for ten years, at the end of this period they would have approx. 120,000.00 dollars before accumulated interest to be used to assist the strikers; if they had a strike every ten years. Once again, you are probably getting scammed, if you do not require strike pay on a regular contract to contract basis. Try not to let your eyes wander too far away form the Ottawa nerve centre. Watchdog annie
Canadian union of Public employees,
Thursday, April 24, 2008
How do People get involved with CUPE
In general, most of the people who get themselves involved in unions are people who had a grievance in the beginning that was not handled properly and they decided to put their money where their mouth was ; and instead of continuing to complain about the lack of interest or incompetence ,they got involved in the union. This I primarily true for most of the people who get involved in cupe. Now of course, you still have the initial self servers who are and will remain scum; but for the majority, they started out on the right foot. After they are there for years, they continue to hang around with union leaders who know the game, play the game, and trust nobody and they become just like them. It is like a small child being born into the world and after years of conditioning from a crazy parent , they become crazy also. One can ask why is it that they start out knowing the problem issues and challenge these issues and after a while they make a little headway towards resolving these issues, that they make a complete 360 degree turn around. This is because the members think these people are strong and intelligent and they are not. We look at how they started and how they have progressed but we neglect to listen to the foolish babble that comes out of the mouths after they have come back from a few brainwashing conference sessions with cupe national. Cupe can pick these people out a mile away, not because they are gifted; but, because this is what the whole organization is made up of and they have all been brainwashed or bought/same difference when you get the final results. The big guns are just picking themselves out of the line up. These people are easy targets ; and after a while they believe they are actually making decisions that are good for the people and they are right and you are wrong. We almost require outside intervention to deprogram these spaced out cowboys and cowgirls before they hurt any more good people. Good luck getting this to a national convention floor: let alone on the books for the convention. Watchdog annie
Canadian union of Public employees,
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
BlackMail yourself to a TOP Job in CUPE
why is it that a divisional president is always practically guaranteed a reps. position ? are they any more qualified than someone who has put in 20 or 25 years as a volunteer or is it when you get to this level you are a captain in the mafia and you have so much damaging information on your fellow big guys that the only way to keep you shut up is to give you a job with emormous pay and never ending benefits . the divisional presidents i have met over the years have big mouths, are good at shaking hands and giving lip service, and talk the cupe talk ; but as far as having any knowledge or ambition to represent the members in the way they should be represented, it is not there. no matter where one goes there appears to be a never ending amount of politics and this has been proven time after time to be of NO BENEFIT to the average this case, the membership pays big bucks for a guarantee of lip service only. watchdog annie
Canadian union of Public employees,
Monday, April 21, 2008
CUPE and dead wieght employees
Everyone is aware of how large organizations acquire supervisors, management teams, and essentially the top hogs who run the outfit -------- they take the dead weight crew and the ones who are incapable of performing the work and move them up the ladder. After a period of time, if there was any one of any value there, they quit or retire and you are left with a complete series of dead beats who make decisions between themselves that only benefits themselves in relation to their continued existence within the organization. Well, this is how cupe national is run and you can take this to the bank------- a group of dead beats looking after themselves; and every now and then when the majority of the working poor get restless, they through them a bone. Do not chew on the bone too fast because those bones are few and far between and with most bones comes a request for obedience. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Sunday, April 20, 2008
How CUPE Corrupts Key people
What is it that makes a member who becomes a shop steward and moves up the volunteer ranks to become an executive member turn bad. At the beginning, these people are out there helping everyone and giving up most of their free time and taking on the employer when needed and taking on the big guys at national when needed. Is it when they get elected to a divisional position that does it or is it when they get elected to the national executive board or is it when they get an acting position as a national rep.? well I am here to tell you, it is when they think they have a little power; and this is usually when they get to the board level and they are usually guaranteed a rep. position, that they start to turn bad. Some are bad to the bone in the beginning. What do I mean by bad? This is when they start looking after themselves and let on they are supporting you and your concerns or grievances: this is when they side with national over the interest of the member or local ; and this is when they lie so much they forget what lie they told you last week but this week the new lie is the truth. These people have a price and that is money and power and you will not see it coming until it is too late ; and even if you do, the moral majority will not believe you and you will become an outcast. When the majority realizes you were telling them the truth about this person, they will be so embarrassed, they will go along and continue to support this person who has gone bad and has become a rep. or a board member or even worse; has become the national president or secretary treasurer or some kind of consultant to the board. Keep looking both ways ; and hopefully, you do not get blind sided by the big machine. Watchdog annie
Canadian union of Public employees,
Friday, April 18, 2008
CUPE strikes
have you ever had the unfortunate opportunity to go on strike with the cupe organization. well this is an experience that members will never forget. first the rep. in charge will do every thing possible to discourage the membership to challenge the employer for more money and better benefits and try to get a few cents more to get a quick deal signed. if he or she is unsucessful, then the regional director will meet with the executive and have meetings with the members to discuss how difficult and expensive a strike is and how the members always lose out in a strike. the national union always states they are behind the members but this is a total croc. the bottom line is they have no choice once the embers vote and go out.if the members are strong enough and they stand up to cupe and the employer they will get to strike;and this is when the fun begins. cupe national is upset because they have to kick in on the 10th day with the members prepaid srike fund and the reps. have to work a full work week to attend meetings and other related duties attached to a strike. i must not forget the reps. get paid extra money when there is a strike. the executive and the members have to not only fight the empoyer but they also have to fight the union because cupe will do everything possible to sabotage the strike and have it end prematurely before what the members should be settling for is offered by the employer. cupe does not want members to get the best settlements out there because there would be more strikes and the expectations for better settlements within the whole organization of members would be the responsiblity of the national union. keep your eyes on them, do not trust any of them,and please do not believe what comes out of their mouths. watchdog annie
Canadian union of Public employees,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
CUPE rarely THANKS volunteers
One would think cupe would have a day set aside to recognize the thousands of volunteers who give many hours of their life each year to the cause / being representing members in the endeavours to obtain fair wages and conditions in the work place. These volunteers are the shop stewards and the local executive members who are the real backbone of the organization. It appears they are more interested in earth day or some other made up day than recognizing and appreciating the good honest volunteer work that is done throughout the country. I think this is why cupe national and the country of cuba are so tight. They think alike/ never permit the people to know they are special and appreciated and never acknowledge the good work they do as volunteers. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Monday, April 14, 2008
CUPE and Politics
I touched a little on politics and cupe national funding campaigns for the ndp; but when it comes to federal politics, you will see the big hogs sitting at the ndp conventions and at the same time they are signing cheques for the bloc party in quebec . What do you think about this? The national president and the national secretary treasurer are buying quebec support/votes with the cupe members money and the national executive committee and the national executive board are going along with it. Is this illegal and unethical : it most certainly is. Is any one going to do something about it? No. why? You do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out : if you want to keep your fingers in the cookie jar, you keep your mouth shut. They get to call in some favours, they get to go to Ottawa and eat with the big wigs and discuss what should be improved in the world through their eyes, and they get to sit on a few committees and fly around the world. This is the kind of crap that has taken down federal governments. I hope I am still alive when members decide to speak up and request bringing in the authorities to take a real look at where the money has gone and is going. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Sunday, April 13, 2008
CUPE laptop fun
Did you see the new look of the nat. reps.; walking around and attending meetings with a lap top computer attached to their shoulders. They look like school children going to a meeting to take notes on something they know absolutely nothing about. They get a new lap top every one to two years and most of the time they are playing solitaire or buying off ebay or emailing jokes. This is paid time and the members hire them to represent them, not play secretary and it is time the members start demanding representation and proper attention at all meetings they are invited to attend. They can take notes if they wish and transfer them onto a computer when they have down time. Actually, is not this the work of the secretary or are we paying for duplication of work. I think we are. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
CUPE and thier new twenty Million dollar House
I must mention the new building in Ottawa we have 20 plus million tied up in : I think the jury is still out on the actual total cost. Let me put it another way ; the interest on this money could most certainly help a lot of members who only get 10 to 30 hours per week or maybe campaigns that would actually benefit the unionized poor; and trust me on this, there are a lot of unionized poor in cupe. The other aspect of this new building is the only people who wanted it are a select few at the top and they have all the influence over the others. First they authorize a major renovation to the old building , then they decide to purchase a big piece of prime property at a ridiculous price in Ottawa and bring in the same crew who reported the old building to be structurally sound and healthy for the workers and have them condemn the place. On top of this scam , they state that the new building must be in Ottawa : no where else in the country because the national constitution states this. Every time the national constitution has an article or section in it that conflicts with what they would like to do they have it changed; but in this case they leave it alone because they do not want to associate with any other part of the country or any other part of any province because they think they are the next thing to parliamentarians. Once a building with an investment of this size is constructed we are stuck with it and they know it. Accountability is only for the little real people/too bad we did not have a say. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Friday, April 11, 2008
CUPE a money making Franchise
Cupe is set up like a franchise giving permission for the membersto use their local as an autonomous local as long as they do not question the big guys outside the office : ( being in front of the membership ),they do not challenge the big guys in front of their peers, and they promote what is not necessarily right for the members and what is not necessarily the full truth. If they do not follow these rules as an executive then they will be terminated by cupe national:not the membership. What I mean by this is, the local will be taken under administration by cupe national at the stroke of a pen. The local will cease to exist and cupe national will own everything the members in their local thought they owned prior to the hammer coming down. I am not going to elaborate on administration today but, let you know how this comes about. The reps., the reg. director, and there is always a rat in the pack who thinks he or she is going to make it to the big leagues will report on a regular basis to the big guy and after a series of unfavourable reports a meeting is held and the godfather or godmother; as they portray themselves, eliminates the local without an inquiry or meeting on the alleged unfavourable material in the reports. Periodically, you may find there is someone in your local who would like to take it over but does not have the support of the membership through the election process; so he or she will orchestrate a couple of dummies to send a series of letters to the national executive complaining about whatever bogus information about the executive they are told to dream up and complain about. This can open the door for people who have not intention of working in the best interest of the local at a future date. The truth of the matter is, a group of volunteers can donate every weekend and evening to representing and assisting their local membership in every possible way; and if the big guys want them not to exist anymore,they are gone-----no questions asked. This is the mafia people and do not forget it. Watchdog annie
Canadian union of Public employees,
Thursday, April 10, 2008
CUPE and greed
Did you ever wonder why they organize groups of five people or twenty part time workers? This is because of pure old fashion greed : how can you benefit five people who have a bank account with twenty six dollars in it and would like to take the employer on. The employer laughs when they threaten to go to adjudication because the union has to apply for special funding to proceed. I will admit these members end up with a contract and they probably receive some form of senority and possibly a percentage is given towards some form of benefits ; but most organizations who only have a small number of employees are working on such a tight budget, someone is going to lose their job if a major wage package is to go forward at the table. Who loses out? It is the employees: not cupe , because they still collect the dues and the dues goes up every time there is a pay increase so if they lose a member they make it up on the increase. The other component that cupe is notorious for is the number component. If you organize 1000 ( twenty member groupings or unions) at $25. per member per month ;then cupe has an additional one half a million dollars coming in a month to play with. Cupe has number crunchers or stats experts just like the government and these characters advise the top hogs on how to get the easy money. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
CUPE and YOUR money
Did you ever wonder where all the dues you contribute goes to. Well the first 55 % goes to national to pay for reps., campaigns, buildings, and strike kitty. The 45 % remaining is for local use ; but out of that about 10 % goes toward divisional affiliations, fed. affiliations, local affiliations, etc. this leaves the local with 35 % providing there are no assessments imposed by national that could equate to another 10% of the dues contributed because this is based on a percentage of total payroll. Do I have you confused yet---when it is explained it is like a financial advisor trying to sell you on investing into a deal he wants; but in the end after you have agreed and you get the results of the investment, you do not want but it is too late. The bottom line is if you have 200 members spread out over a region, city , or maybe even a province and they contribute $ 40. per month; the volunteers in your local may only have $2800. per month out of $8000. to service all 200 members. This equates to $14. per member per month and please do not forget it costs between $3500. to $10,000. per adjudication if the union has to only pay one half of the cost of the adjudication. This does not cover lost wages, meals, mileage, or motel expenses or legal fees if you have to hire outside the office. The question is; are you getting the best bang for your buck with this type of divisional setup. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
CUPE and NDP control US Politics
What do you think about jack Layton going down to the u.s. to speak with obama and Clinton . Where does this guy get off thinking he has some form of influence over these people/ considering probably neither one of them is going to get the big job at the end of the day. Foremost to this, is the fact cupe and the ndp think we should be taxed to the highest point and do not concern ourselves about how we are going to sell our manufactured goods and our dollar should only be worth 50 cents : so at he end of the day, we can remain abused little controlled socialists. Now that word socialists is another topic because cupe regards the tattered poor in Cuba as socialists. Think about it. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Monday, April 7, 2008
The CUPE sell out
Everyone is familiar with the phrases equal pay for equal work and pay equity. Did you know large unions made deals with government when the pay equity legislation was rolled out and the findings on many classifications compared to similar classifications equated to real raises or adjustments. Some people may have received up to $ 5.00 per hour adjustment but the good old national unions opted for a buck or two at the most and sold it to the members as a major percentage increase and bragged about how hard they negotiated with the government to get this for the members. The truth is they made whatever deal they felt was reasonable and would sell; not what the actual amount equated to. Cupe was part of this scam.How is that looking after the best interest of the members. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Taking on CUPE
What do you think about taking on the big guys/ do you think it is worth it/do you have deep enough pockets? Well I am here to tell you, it most certainly is worth it because how else are our children and grandchildren going to know the truth about this group and if cupe is doing something wrong then they will at least slow down and think twice before they try the same stunt again. Saying that, does not mean they are going to stop nor does it mean you are going to be successful ; but if the word gets out , things may change for the better down the road. One thing is for sure they may have deep pockets with all the dues collected and they may be willing to lie under oath; but the future population is not going to continue to tolerate the same nonsense we have and may choose another union that is not so large and more vulnerable to criticism and not so protected. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Saturday, April 5, 2008
CUPE Hipocrits
Since we touched on a few controversial subjects let us just jump to another one and that is the pink triangle committee. This is a group that throughout the country they have trouble getting enough members interested in being on it so they entice people with a few trips and a couple of conferences each year and maybe a title to make them feel important. The botton line here is cupe is labelling people the same way the hipocrits in the community do; but they disguise it by forming a committee that is established to educate members as to how certain situations in the work place can be difficult for people who may not necessarily be considered the norm or the moral majority. True, the top hogs all close their eyes when a speaker is describing what it is like to be labelled and treated differently by some poeple in the workplace; but you should hear how they go on when they are alone with their own kind. They make fun of the whole process and take great pride in the fact they can take advantage and obtain support from the people who are not exactly like them. Please think with a clear and open mind about this subject and what you have really experienced in this organization. Do not be ashamed you have been fooled by these people: many have been and will be. Watchdog annie
Friday, April 4, 2008
CUPE wana beeeees
There appears to be a similar profile to each of the males and females who possess the desire to be one of the top hogs in the cupe pigry. Usually, these individuals have not flourished to the magnitude of their other family members and their perception of reality is somewhat distorted. Also, most of them have personal issues and have various addiction problems. The fact they can join a cult and they can be permitted to believe they are superior to others in the country and their ideas are recognized as being of the utmost importance by their top hog counterparts draws them into the core of the group. They do attract followers ; and although the followers are similar to themselves, it empowers them to continue on their path of destruction of what it is they are supposed to be doing and attempting to accomplish for the good of the membership. I am not saying they should all be committed; but I do think, most of them should be attending therapy on a regular basis with a psychologist who is not a member of the group. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Thursday, April 3, 2008
CUPE Revolution
This one should spark your interest. The quiet revolution has begun. I was surfing the national division web sites last night for something interesting and what did I find but cupe 1251 in new Brunswick has been put under administration; so I contacted a rep. buddy of mine down their and she informed me that 1251 is the local the president of cupe new Brunswick, dan legere, belongs to. Good old moist thought he had the maritimes in his back pocket : well I think he had better think again. Does this mean he is going to have to suck up to sid ryan and start licking the same cigar. The next year and a half may prove to be very interesting/ upsetting for this group. Watchdog annie.
Canadian union of Public employees,
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
CUPE and Negociations
Do national unions really assist your cause when it comes to negotiations? If each union local was autonomous, as is the true sense of autonomy; and they set themselves up associated with a collaberated provincial body for 50 cents per member per month as a speaker for the main issues, then they could operate the way a union should operate without interference and outside control. Most unions that are confined to their own province receive negotiated contracts as much as 10 to 20 % greater for the same type of work than unions that are affiliated to a national body. It makes one wonder what is really going on at the end of the day. We all know how the communist countries keep control of their people : they just give them enough to get by on and nothing more. Is this what the national unions are attempting to do when they interfere in negotiations and push acceptance of less than non national union contracts? Food for thought. Watchdog annie
What do you think about national supporting the ndp. True the ndp party is supposed to be for labour and is funded by the average individual ; but seriously, when they did get into power they put the axe to the gov. workers and devastated the economy. I will admit the other two have no great track records either but the majority of the membership vote for the two larger parties and we have to recognize that. The other thing that really bothers me beyond the fact we only support one party openly ; and that is the fact, certain cupe groups with national’s knowledge have loaned money to the ndp party as cash and not as a donation through a fundraiser. This is a total no no folks and this is the member’s money and should be used specifically for what it is intended for. Lots of things should be investigated to the fullest extent. Watchdog annie.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Another waste of CUPE members Dollars
Hot off the press. Do you know what the new brain wave for the day is---cupe is going to hire diversity reps. for each province to do something about nothing. They refuse to help members who are harassed by other members or defamed through actions and gossip ; but , they are going to spend another $140,000. per year per diversity rep. to say they have specialty reps. who will educate you on diversity or talk to employers about diversity. Some reps., with out a doubt, do a fair amount of what they are supposed to do and others do as little as possible because they are both lazy and really do not know what they are doing. We need reps. who actually care about what they are doing and are willing to give the effort for the members ; not the machine. We also need a system that permits casual reps. not to be able to acquire senority because if you do the boss on a regular basis you will get the extra work; giving you the senority necessary to get the fulltime job. We all know what this means; not necessarily does the most qualified even get casual work nor does he or she end up with the permanent position. I think we need to open up their contract and straighten out a few things the big guys refuse to do; and if we want a specialty person, we will hire them under contract for the period of time we need them then kiss them good-bye. Out for now. Watchdog annie.
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