Saturday, April 12, 2008

CUPE and thier new twenty Million dollar House

I must mention the new building in Ottawa we have 20 plus million tied up in : I think the jury is still out on the actual total cost. Let me put it another way ; the interest on this money could most certainly help a lot of members who only get 10 to 30 hours per week or maybe campaigns that would actually benefit the unionized poor; and trust me on this, there are a lot of unionized poor in cupe. The other aspect of this new building is the only people who wanted it are a select few at the top and they have all the influence over the others. First they authorize a major renovation to the old building , then they decide to purchase a big piece of prime property at a ridiculous price in Ottawa and bring in the same crew who reported the old building to be structurally sound and healthy for the workers and have them condemn the place. On top of this scam , they state that the new building must be in Ottawa : no where else in the country because the national constitution states this. Every time the national constitution has an article or section in it that conflicts with what they would like to do they have it changed; but in this case they leave it alone because they do not want to associate with any other part of the country or any other part of any province because they think they are the next thing to parliamentarians. Once a building with an investment of this size is constructed we are stuck with it and they know it. Accountability is only for the little real people/too bad we did not have a say. Watchdog annie.

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