Monday, March 31, 2008

Who runs CUPE

Who runs cupe and who controls it are two different questions. It is run like our governments the small people who are shop steward and small local executives run the organization and help the members from the initial contact right up to adjudication if need be. These are the people who take all the abuse and donate approx. a minimum of 1000 hours without any pay per year to the cause. These are the people who return your phone calls, meet with employers, and fight for service and justice; and they are also the same people cupe and the members toss out like a dirty shirt never to be thought about again once they have served their purpose or have spoken out against the grand puba. Now for the ones who control the organ. They are few in number, they are the top hogs at the national executive board and the reps. who dictate how things are going to be; and if you do not like it, they use their power and influence to stomp you out. They have egos bigger than president bush and they actually think they are running a country—what country we are not sure yet; but one thing is for sure, there is no accountability at this level and they will use all of your resources, being the resources you financed, to take you down when they want to. Just a thought for the day. Watchdog annie.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Canadian Union Of Public Employees Black List

Let us talk about black listing today. Everyone knows what it is but do not like to mention the subject because it should not exist in society today ; but good old cupe has a list and although it is a big secret file just mention someone’s name who has been an outspoken opponent of the powers to be in meetings and conventions and has attempted to enlighten the group and keep things honest. Trust me, they are on the list and will remain on the list until either they retire or die; and who knows, they may still remain on the list in case they come back to life. Righteousness and honesty are not in the vocabulary: they are a figment of one’s imagination in relation to taking the oath of sanctity in the cupe cult. Beware, you are either going to be black listed, a follower, or oblivious to what is; when it comes to this group. Think about it. Watchdog annie.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

CUPE and Walmart

Did you ever go to a conference or a large meeting or open your mail box and see the demands from this group as to what you should buy and where you should shop and how you should spend the money you do not have. An example of this is when the dictators at national send out propaganda to the average poor members dictating to them not to shop at walmart or eat at mcdonalds because the shoes are made in china and the hamburg may come from the united states or they are not unionized. Well the truth of the matter is; walmart and mcdonalds ,like it or not, will hire people like us who are over 55 or 60 and give us benefits and work to supplement the little pensions we have. The other factor that comes into existence is the take home money we have to work with does not permit us to buy $200. shoes or $100 dresses/slacks. We can only afford $18. shoes and $20. slacks. When you are making $100,000. per year you can talk like that and spend like that. This is reality and this is how we have to live or barely exist. The one thing that does stick out in my mind is they never mention tim hortons: probably because they had just stopped there for a coffee 20 min. prior while they were practising their speech. Try not to spend that $8. a week you have left over after paying the bills all at one place.

Watchdog annie

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Free Meals

Tid bit for today. Did you know that the national pres. and sec. treas. and the rest of the great number of players who sit on the national board along with the reps. that meet in Ottawa on a regular basis receive catered meals and free lunches at various events; but, when it comes to filling out their expense claims, they put in for the complete meal allowance at approx. 1 and ½ the normal rate of regular locals daily permitted amounts.They are ultimately scamming and no one is doing anything about it because they are all in on it. One may ask why the auditors at national do not pick up on it and this is because the claim is for a daily rate and how would they know if they received a free meal unless they were right there---oh, maybe they are right there doing the same?
I think today is the day I give you my name. from now on in just call me Watchdog Annie.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Contracting out

This topic has always been a favourite of mine and this is contracting out. Oh, they even have a committee at the national level for this/as if we do not know what contracting out is. About three times per year we receive a glossy expensive handout in the mail or at a local meeting that explains to us what cupe has for an interpretation of contracting out and how their big machine is stamping out contracting out. Well mouthing off does not cut it : sure they make a little effort; but if one of their locals is contracting out the work of another local, they ignore it or if an employer is successful in laying off a great number of employees due to contracting out of their service or their jobs then cupe steps in and tries to organize the new contractor workers and too bad so sad for the employees/members who have been displaced who have paid union dues for anywheres up to 30 years to cupe.if you are going to take on a fight take on a fight and do not kick people when they are down and put your hands in their back pockets looking for the change.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

What a waste of your money

Let us deviate from the norm today and steer off into one of the committees. Let us look at the green committee or the environmental committee. Well exactly what is it that they do other than have a group of members on expense accounts fly around the country and sometimes to foreign countries and look at programs referring to saving trees or clean water or clean and safe methods of obtaining electricity. This is wonderful in theory but what has it done, we have shut down numerous pulp mills, we have continued to support drinking out of brooks and lakes as long as we add the chemicals, and we have increased the number of nuclear waste sites in our country in support of a few jobs. The thing is you can not continue to talk out of both sides of your mouth just so you can continue to get elected into the big powerful positions ; or can you, because it seems to be working, members are still electing these politicians who say whatever to whoever as long as they are politically correct and it benefits them. We have to wake up and stand up.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Share your experiance

Everyone who has signed onto this site must have at least one horrific expierence with this group in your lifetime that you would like to share with the others. Please just give an overview of the specific incident and the end result. This site is about reality and not the fiction that is portrayed by cupe. People need to know the truth because after all it is the people who own this organ. and it is the people’s money that runs it; and if our children and our grandchildren are going to belong to a union body in the years to come, then they need to know the truth so they can watch and monitor organ. like this in an attempt to not have the same thing happen to them. A wise lady once said, sometimes you have to shut an organ. down in order to clean up the mess and start all over again. Of course she also went on to say, every outfit that has a big amount of money attached to it will become corrupt over time. These forms of organ.always attract the sorted types.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Many are afraid to speak out.

Did you realize members actually believe that if they speak out about cupe in relation to some wrong doing that has occurred at the hands of cupe, that they will lose their jobs. Can you imagine the control this organ.has over them. These are intelligent average workers who believe this utter nonsense because idiots in exec. and at the rep. levels have lead them to believe this is so. One can not convince them otherwise because they think, if you have a union job and you are a union member, then if you go against the union you are tossed out like a piece of garbage; and guess what, the union kings and queens enjoy this because they have total control over you and they can do whatever they want. People may not admit this; but, there are more out there than you would expect. The one thing they are right about is the union must represent you by law; but to what degree they represent you is another thing. The moral of the story is speak out but find another way to identify your problem because they will get you and that I guarantee. You will not lose your job but you will be on their hit list.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Did you ever wonder why cupe is so overexcited about getting the casual employees unionized to the extent they can have the right to organize and can be part of a collective agreement. Well the real reason is twofold; one is they want the big money from day one. Imagine the revenue they will get when as much as 20% of the workforce are casuals and they can tap into this big money machine on day one and provide little or no protection than already exists. They neglect to tell you that if they are successful 50% of the casuals will be gone.
The real reason other than the mother load of increased dollars is the fact; collecting union dues from casual employees is illegal and the union owes casual employees megabucks.they want to basically to cover their butts. One may ask the question as to why no one has ever challenged this at a labour board or any other form of legal entity; but the threats that exist for just one person to jump on board let alone organize a group to take them on is too scary for these people.
Unfortunately, this organ. continues to take money from people whose money is not for them to take from them in the first place. I say give them back what is rightfully theirs and do not pretend you are doing something for them in their best interest.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Dear members, it is St. Patrick’s day and what better topic to discuss but the delicate subject of religion and i must make reference to the thousands of dollars CUPE National has spent sending national board members to hear speakers who brain wash them into believing we have all these various assorted problems in our country and in north America; primarily due to people believing in Christianity. what kind of nonsense are these people trying to pull. The people who national send to these events or conferences are the leaders of the union who are going back and speaking on this foolishness at provincial conferences to other union leaders who bow down to these characters and pass on the information to the regular unionized members. well, you want to know where the money is going : it is going towards educating the leaders who educate the next level of leadership who are educating the regular members who are informing their children of such ridiculousness. i am not stating everyone is buying this but on the other hand i do not see anyone trying to put an end to this. there is no accountability or form of policing in relation to the propaganda that is distributed to members.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lt's get Along

The topic for today is harassment among unionized members. Cupe does not have an harassment policy/ they only train on harassment in the workplace between managment and employee. One of the largest issues that require immediate attention is the harassment that exists and is permitted by cupe between members and other members and members and cupe staff reps. The harassment that is taking place is to such an extreme today that it borderlines on defamation of character and downright abuse. The only action that will take place in this organanization is lip service or a meeting to talk about brothers and sisters. Well I am here to tell you today, if something does not happen soon, there are going to be so many law suits and human rights complaints out there, they will not be able to keep up. The quality of reps. they are hiring have no background in this form of representation or mediation and this is what they like. It is like big government, keeping everyone at each others throats and they can achieve anything they want that they normally would not be able to because the members are too busy fighting and tearing each other apart. It is also a great control mechanism and public relations come on. The big guys come in and clean up the mess and look like heroes when they should have been preventing the mess in the first place.
Oh, they have a big future plan: they are going to look at recommendations in two years as to what they should possibly do about harassment between members. What real teeth does that equality statement have other than a bunch of words that are meant to impress poor people who do not know any better.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

What A Deal !

The topic for this evening is negociations. The one thing CUPE likes to do, is make a big hoopla out of having everyone involved in negociations and receiving the proposals from ALL the members; but at the end of the day CUPE will pick the ones they see fit without the help of your negociating team, they think they should be putting forward. They will use one of their reps. to make the presentation if you like; and he or she will meet as many times as you would like them to and appear to be making every effort to get somewhere near where you want to be and they will even jump up and down and scream at the employer to make it look even better : similar to a wwf wrestler would; but at the end of one or two years of negociations they will harass you and coerce you into taking about 1 and ½ % over 5 years with a 1% adjustment over 3 years and tell you you got the best deal of every group they have ever negotiated for. As far as doing research, you better have individuals who know their stuff on your team because their definition of research is two pages with a variable of numbers comparing you to a series of groups you never heard tell of; so that the offer their buddies on the employers side have given you as their "best and final offer" looks as if you got the best thing since Sliced Bread. Once that contract is ratified, they own you for the next 4 or 5 years and they continue to have to do nothing but bull Shit the members and collect the big dues cheques. Good luck in your next series of negotiations with cupe. Please write in and tell everyone about your expierences in negociatoins.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

How about a Low Intrest Loan ?

Well ladies and gentlemen, the tidbit for this evening is another one of corruption and deceit. This occurred in New Brunswick with the CUPE New Brunswick division. A person by the name of C.D. who was the secretary treasurer removed over $100,000.00 and placed it into her personal wealth and made a few loans to friends with the members money during her reign. Robert Hickes was the president of CUPE New Brunswick at the time and he signed the cheques / now Hickes is the regional director for New Brunswick. and P.E.I. the new president Daniel Legere is knowledgeable of the situation and neither one has pushed for this person to be charged. Oh, i forgot, C.D.’s. Sister is way up in CUPE National in Ottawa .

Oh, one more thing, the CUPE New Brunswick division raised the per capita by 25%. No one appears to be concerned about where the money is going and will not question the big guys because they fear they will be bullied right out of their volunteer position for speaking out. They say everyone has their price; and guess what, there are only a few left in this organization that will turn down a shot at the possibility of receiving the golden carrot of a full time reps.job and speak the truth and bring down the big want- to- bees.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Computer Scam !!

Did you know CUPE National spent 12 million dollars on a computer system that did not work because none of the reps. had the ability to access it properly, it kept breaking down, and it did not facilitate the needs of the members ; so what did they do but scrap the system, wrote off 10 of the 12 million dollars, applied a further assessment (dues) to pay for the write off, and hired the guys who owned the company who built the crap computer system full time with big salaries , pensions, and assorted benefits to design another less complicated system. Guess what; the new computer system still breaks down on a regular basis and the National Executive is puzzled as to why this continues to happen. The new National Secretary Treasurer, Claude Genereux announced at a division conference to the presidents and delegates of this major abuse of the members money and the representatives of the various locals clapped and never asked a question. It is though these people are brainwashed or want to belong to a cult. The members who did ask questions, following the presentation, outside in the lobby were chastised and basically spit on. It was if they were saying how dare you question the Grand Puba dummies----they are our leaders. To this day, no one has investigated where all this money went to and who really got the money. All we do know is the National Pres. And Sec. Treasurer retired the next year very comfortable with Cadillacs for going away presents and their boys took over the two big jobs.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Union Dues

Join the CUPE organization you will get less than nothing for your monthly contribution; or better still, become a CUPE rep. the only prerequisite is stupidity and dishonesty. You will get paid $100, 00.00 per year plus a car and expenses and you can never get fired. Think about it, it is the perfect job for an idiot. If you are a professional harasser you can become a regional director. Now if you want to do less than nothing and lie and manipulate all day and remain in a comfortable salary become a CUPE division president. The whole organization is set up something like Ronald McDonalds----a group of do nothings sitting around discussing about all the work they are not going to do while they swallow a couple of dozen Big Macs that they enter on their expense account as windshield washer. Drop in tomorrow night when we discuss the millions of dollars the national union writes off as a mistake and some of the other scams the reps. and their buddies are involved in, like trying to negotiate a contract when the only thing on their mind is when is dinner.

How CUPE really works

Hi , in this Blog we will talk about CUPE , and what CUPE really does, we will help you see past the smoke and mirrors , this blog is written by a number of CUPE members that are fed up the bull shit and the WASTE and CORRUPTION they have seen through the years , so sit back and read the truth ..........